‘This Note addresses the question whether the agreement representing the outcome of the negotiations between the United Kingdom and the European Union on the reform of the EU can appropriately be characterised, in the Prime Minister’s phrase, as “legally binding and irreversible”. The original version of the Note was submitted as written evidence to the House of Commons European Scrutiny Committee (“the Scrutiny Committee”), following on from oral evidence that I gave, together with Sir Francis Jacobs QC and Martin Howe QC, on 18 November 2015. That version was prepared in relation to the draft texts accompanying the letter dated 2 February 2016 from Mr Donald Tusk, the President of the European Council, to the Prime Minister. As presented here, the Note relates to the agreement finally reached on 19 February 2016, which differs in some respects from the texts circulated on 2 February, but not so as to cause me to take a different view of the matters discussed.’
Henderson Chambers, 20th February 2016
Source: www.hendersonchambers.co.uk