Getting Paid For Sleeping On The Job – The National Minimum Wage – No. 5 Chambers

Posted October 7th, 2015 in contract of employment, minimum wage, news, remuneration by sally

‘In certain occupations, it is common for the employment contract to require the employee to sleep overnight at the place of employment some or all nights of the week and to be “on call” should any incidents arise. Typically those occupations attract low wages and include care workers, supervisors at boarding schools and porters in residential blocks of flats. If the employee is entitled to be paid for all the hours whilst they are present at the workplace, even when they are asleep, and not just those hours when they are attending incidents, then their average wage may fall below the National Minimum Wage [“NMW”]. What, then, is the test to be applied to whether hours spent asleep are to be taken into account?’

Full story

No. 5 Chambers, 30th September 2015
