Command Papers – GOV.UK

Posted April 21st, 2015 in parliamentary papers by sally

Government response to the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee Report: UK government policy on the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Cm 9029

Memorandum to the Energy and Climate Change Committee: Post Legislative Scrutiny of the Energy Act 2010, Cm 9018

Government response to 2014 Great Western franchise consultation, Cm 9040

Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation: annual report 2013 to 2014, Cm 9026

The government’s response to the House of Lords European Union Committee’s 7th report of session 2014 to 2015: civilian use of drones in the EU, Cm 9054

Government response to the Communities and Local Government Select Committee Inquiry into the Community Rights, Cm 9052

Government response to the Foreign Affairs Committee report on the UK’s relations with Hong Kong – 30 years after the joint declaration, Cm 9038

Armed Forces’ Pay Review Body Service Medical and Dental Officers: supplement to 44th report 2015, Cm 9045

Treaty Series No.7 (2015), Cm 9055

Government response to the House of Commons Health Select Committee Fourth Report of Session 2014-15 Complaints and Raising Concerns, Cm 9050

Government response to the BIS Committee 7th report on business university collaboration in science and innovation, Cm 9053

Government response to the Joint Committee on the Draft Protection of Charities Bill, Cm 9056
