‘The Origins of Modern Financial Crime: Historical foundations and current problems in Britain (Abingdon: Routledge, 2014) provides a multi-disciplinary analysis of ‘the problem’ of financial crime in the ‘commercial sphere’ in Britain. It reflects the longstanding view that the challenges presented by financial crime, which are both enforcement and perceptually oriented, as they are understood by academic scholars and also practitioners and regulators and policymakers, merit an analysis drawing on contributions from many academic disciplines. In drawing extensively on legal and criminological approaches, the text centrally also highlights the benefits which can emanate from historicising the ‘problem’ of financial crime. And in doing so this analysis of financial crime also constitutes an entreaty for encouraging legal scholarship to engage more comprehensively with historical enquiry and analysis.’
Date: 10th February 2015,
Location: UCL Laws, Bentham House, WC1H 0EG
Charge: Free
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