Use of a Trade Mark: Specsavers v ASDA – NIPC Law

Posted October 22nd, 2014 in appeals, news, trade marks by sally

‘In Community Trade Marks: Specsavers v ASDA 7 Feb 2012 NIPC Law I analysed the litigation that had taken place between two well known retailers in which the Court of Appeal considered how far an aggressive marketing campaign can go without infringing trade mark law. As I said in my case note Specsavers International Healthcare Ltd and others (“Specsavers”) had brought an action for trade mark infringement and passing off against the supermarket chain Asda Stores Ltd. (“ASDA”) for using the marketing materials that I identified in my note and Asda counterclaimed for revocation of Community trade mark 1358589 depicted above (“the wordless mark”) for non-use.’

Full story

NIPC Law, 16th October 2014
