‘Article 6 of Council Regulation (EC) No 6/2002 of 12 December 2001 on Community designs meant that, in order for a design to be considered to have individual character, the overall impression which that design produced on the informed user had to be different from that produced on such a user, not by a combination of features taken in isolation and drawn from a number of earlier designs, but by one or more earlier designs, taken individually. Article 85(2) meant that, in order for a Community design court to treat an unregistered Community design as valid, the right holder of that design was not required to prove that it had individual character within the meaning of article 6, but need only indicate what constituted the individual character of that design, ie, indicated what, in his view, were the element or elements of the design concerned which gave it its individual character.’
WLR Daily, 19th June 2014
Source: www.iclr.co.uk