In re G (A Child) (Non-relative Carer: application for leave for residence order; application for joinder to proceedings) – WLR Daily

Posted April 10th, 2014 in adoption, appeals, carers, children, law reports, residence orders by sally

In re G (A Child) (Non-relative Carer: application for leave for residence order; application for joinder to proceedings) [2014] EWCA 432; [2014] WLR (D) 159

‘Where, in adoption proceedings, an unrelated carer sought leave to be joined and to apply for a residence order, care was required in looking to the questions of: locus under the various potentially applicable statutory provisions; whether, and if so how, to have regard to a “change in circumstances”; and whether the child’s welfare was to be regarded as paramount.’

WLR Daily, 8th April 2014
