“Statute Law Society Annual Conference: Statute Law and Alternative Solutions: Codification, Restatement, Common Law
The speakers and topics are as follows:
Prof Andrew Burrows QC: Restatements and Judicial Law Reform;
Prof Ian Dennis: Is there still a case for codifying the law and, if there is, what might a modern Evidence Code look like?;
Dr Deirdre Ahern: Codification of Company Law;
Prof Hugh Beale QC: The European Contract Law Project: the drafting challenges;
Prof Robert Hazell: The Constitutional Reform Act 2005 and its consequences.
Lord Dyson, Master of the Rolls and President of the Statute Law Society;
Lord Justice Lloyd Jones, Chairman of the Law Commission.”
Date: 15th November 2013
Location: House of Parliament, London SW1
Charge: Statute Law Society Member – £110. Academic/Retired – £70. Student/Pupil – £35.
More information can be found here.