Command Papers –

Posted November 25th, 2013 in parliamentary papers by tracey

Better workplace pensions: a consultation on charging, Cm 8737  (PDF)

Government response to the consultation Supporting separated families; securing children’s futures, Cm 8742 (PDF)

European Union finances 2013: statement on the 2013 EU budget and measures to counter fraud and financial mismanagement, Cm 8740 (PDF)

Transforming management of young adults in custody, CM 8733 (PDF)

Reshaping workplace pensions for future generations: public consultation, Cm 8710 (PDF)

Protocol of 2002 to the Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, 1974: adopted London 1 November 2002, Cm 8760 (PDF)

Partnership and cooperation agreement between the European Union and its member states, of the one part, and the Republic of Iraq, of the other part: Brussels, 11 May 2012, Cm 8753 (PDF)
