EVENT: Queen Mary – CLSGC: Authority in a Transnational Age
“Contemporary jurisprudence – and legal scholarship and legal education more generally – is currently under serious challenge from the emergence of arguably new legal phenomena at the non-state or transnational level. This challenge is both substantive and methodological. Substantively, legal scholars are being confronted with, and asked to explain, phenomena which cannot easily be explained by theories which put the sovereign state at the centre. Such phenomena include internet regulation and the new lex mercatoria. New jurisprudential problems are also raised by the growth of transnational communities, which bring with them a variety of different legal traditions and understandings. Methodologically, in this context, traditional conceptual analysis is arguably ever more in need of being informed by empirical analysis – for the old concepts, and their universalistic tendencies, are being criticised as inadequate.”
Date: 8th-9th November 2013, 9.00-5.00pm
Location: Arts Two Lecture Theatre, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS
Charge: See website for details.
More information can be found here.