“The conference will discuss the theme of Law, Liberty, and State in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Political theorists, international relations scholars, philosophers and lawyers from various fields of public law will present papers on this theme, reflecting on the contribution of the following thinkers: F.A. Hayek, Michael Oakeshott, and Carl Schmitt.
Speakers: Nehal Bhuta (EUI); David Boucher (Cardiff); David Dyzenhaus (Toronto); Duncan Kelly (Cambridge); Paul Kelly (LSE); Erika Kiss (Princeton); Chandran Kukathas (LSE); Martin Loughlin (LSE); Jan-Werner Müller (Princeton); Thomas Poole (LSE); Adrian Vermeule (Harvard); Lars Vinx (Bilkent)
There is limited space available for this conference. Those wishing to attend are advised to register their expression of interest via email to: T.M.Poole@lse.ac.uk”
Date: 20th – 21st June 2013
Location: Moot Court Room, 7th Floor
Charge: Free