Command Papers –

Posted November 23rd, 2011 in parliamentary papers by sally

Political party finance: Ending the big donor culture, Cm 8208 (PDF)

Health at work – an independent review of sickness absence, Cm 8205 (PDF)

Draft Civil Aviation Bill: An effective regulatory framework for UK aviation. Volume 1: Policy Paper, Cm 8234-I (PDF)

Draft Civil Aviation Bill: An effective regulatory framework for UK aviation. Volume 2: Draft Civil Aviation Bill and Explanatory Notes, Cm 8234-II (PDF)

Draft Civil Aviation Bill: An effective regulatory framework for UK aviation. Volume 3: Impact Assessments, Cm 8234-III (PDF)

Draft Civil Aviation Bill: An effective regulatory framework for UK aviation. Volume 4: Summary of Responses to the Consultation Regulating Air Transport: Consultation on Proposals to Update the Regulatory Framework for Aviation, Cm 8234-IV (PDF)
