“One of the reasons for creating the supreme court was to make justice at the highest level more transparent and understandable, and to clarify the role of the UK’s top court and judges. Certainly, the new supreme court is easy to find and visit: in August 2011 an average of 398 people came to look around each day (a total of 8646 during the month), despite the airport-style security at the entrance. It now speaks clearly and accessibly. Judgments are released with succinct press summaries. Since May 2011 it has been possible to watch proceedings live online. The court announces decisions with a brief summary explaining the facts of the case and the court’s decision. These judicial soundbites fit easily into TV coverage. Where cases attract significant media interest, the court organises a budget-style ‘lock-in’ arrangement for broadcast journalists allowing them to go on air as the case is announced.”
The Guardian, 17th October 2011
Source: www.guardian.co.uk