BAILII: Recent Decisions

Posted August 22nd, 2011 in law reports by sally

Court of Appeal (Civil Division)

Ramzan v Brookwide Ltd (Ancillary Matters) [2011] EWCA Civ 1033 (19 August 2011)

High Court (Chancery Division)

Harborne Road Nominees Ltd v Karvaski & Anor [2011] EWHC 2214 (Ch) (19 August 2011)

Sarwar v The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc (Rev 1) [2011] EWHC 2233 (Ch) (27 July 2011)

Mann Aviation Group (Engineering) Ltd v Longmint Aviation Ltd & Anor [2011] EWHC 2238 (Ch) (19 August 2011)


Judges weaken rules on paedophiles – Daily Telegraph

Posted August 22nd, 2011 in child abuse, human rights, news, parental rights, sexual offences by sally

“Paedophiles have won unsupervised access to their own children because it would breach their human rights to keep them apart, judges have ruled.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 20th August 2011


Recent Statutory Instruments –

Posted August 22nd, 2011 in legislation by sally

The Access to the Countryside (Dedication of Land) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2011

The Access to the Countryside (Exclusions and Restrictions) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2011

The Legal Services Act 2007 (Designation as a Licensing Authority) Order 2011

The Access to the Countryside (Appeals against Works Notices) (England) Regulations 2011

The Education (Wales) Measure 2009 (Commencement No.2) Order 2011

The National Curriculum (End of Foundation Phase Assessment Arrangements and Revocation of the First Key Stage Assessment Arrangements) (Wales) Order 2011

The National Curriculum (Assessment Arrangements on Entry to the Foundation Phase) (Wales) Order 2011

The National Health Service (Travelling Expenses and Remission of Charges) (Wales) (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2011


Prison compensation culture ‘rampant’ over £60m in payouts – Daily Telegraph

Posted August 22nd, 2011 in compensation, news, personal injuries, prison officers, prisons by sally

“Tens of millions of pounds in compensation have been paid to criminals, prison staff and visitors to British jails, new official figures have disclosed.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 20th August 2011


Hundreds of police officers caught illegally accessing criminal records computer – Daily Telegraph

Posted August 22nd, 2011 in criminal records, data protection, disciplinary procedures, news, police by sally

“More than 200 police officers and support staff in Britain’s biggest force have been caught accessing the highly sensitive Police National Computer for their own ends.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 20th August 2011


Portsmouth man sentenced for ‘microwaving’ pet cat – BBC News

Posted August 22nd, 2011 in animal cruelty, news, sentencing by sally

“A Hampshire man has received a 16-week jail sentence, suspended for 18 months, after he microwaved his pet cat.”

Full story

BBC News, 19th August 2011


UK Uncut activists plead not guilty to Fortnum & Mason charges – The Guardian

Posted August 22nd, 2011 in demonstrations, news, prosecutions, trespass by sally

“Seventeen anti-tax avoidance activists have been singled out for prosecution by the Crown Prosecution Service for allegedly attempting to promote their cause with leaflets and banners during a protest at Fortnum & Mason, London, in March.”

Full story

The Guardian, 19th August 2011


Man jailed for trying to end dying father’s life – The Independent

Posted August 22nd, 2011 in attempted murder, attempts, murder, news, sentencing by sally

“A man who was caught trying to smother his dying father on a hospital ward after learning he had no chance of survival has been jailed for six and a half years.”

Full story

The Independent, 20th August 2011


Rolls Building court complex can make London ‘global legal centre’ – The Guardian

Posted August 22nd, 2011 in courts, news by sally

“A £300m state-of-the-art law court complex will open in the next few weeks as the government tries to make the UK the world’s pre-eminent destination for swiftly resolving international high-value legal disputes – and making a lot of money in the process.”

Full story

The Guardian, 19th August 2011


Data protection laws give students the right to access examiner comments, ICO says –

Posted August 19th, 2011 in data protection, education, examinations, freedom of information, news by sally

“Students have the right to access information detailing what assessors thought of their exam answers under UK data protection laws, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has said.”

Full story, 19th August 2011


Fancy being a judge? Try it for a weekend first – The Guardian

Posted August 19th, 2011 in diversity, judiciary, legal education, news, women by sally

“A new two-day course will help lawyers decide if they have it in them to become judges.”

Full story

The Guardian, 19th August 2011


Where there’s a will, the web can be the way – The Guardian

Posted August 19th, 2011 in alternative business structures, internet, legal services, news, wills by sally

“Developments in the online legal services market provide lucrative opportunities for lawyers willing to break down barriers.”

Full story

The Guardian, 19th August 2011


Jailed loot handler freed on appeal – The Independent

Posted August 19th, 2011 in appeals, handling stolen goods, news, sentencing by sally

“A woman who accepted a pair of looted shorts from her housemate has walked free from prison after her sentence was reduced on appeal.”

Full story

The Independent, 19th August 2011


Recent Statutory Instruments –

Posted August 19th, 2011 in legislation by sally

The Beef and Pig Carcase Classification (Wales) Regulations 2011

The Architects (Recognition of European Qualifications) Regulations 2011

The Export Control (Belarus) and (Syria Amendment) Order 2011


Phone hacking: Glenn Mulcaire sues News of the World publisher – The Guardian

Posted August 19th, 2011 in fees, media, news, private investigators by sally

“Glenn Mulcaire, the private investigator at the centre of the News of the World phone-hacking affair, is suing the now defunct tabloid’s publisher News International in an attempt to force the company to pay his legal bills.”

Full story

The Guardian, 18th August 2011


Lawcast 192: John Cooper QC on the sentencing of rioters and looters – Charon QC

Posted August 19th, 2011 in podcasts, proportionality, sentencing, violent disorder by sally

“Today I am talking to John Cooper QC, a practising barrister at 25 Bedford Row, about the controversy which now rages in the press in relation to the sentences being handed down to rioters and looters. The issue of proportion, parity and comparison with sentences given for so called ‘white collar crime’ by MPs, peers and bankers is examined in detail.”


Charon QC, 18th August 2011


“Charon QC” is the blogging pseudonym of Mike Semple Piggot, editor of insitelaw newswire.

Couple claim wrongful dismissal in UK’s first ‘caste bias’ battle – The Independent

Posted August 19th, 2011 in employment tribunals, news, race discrimination, wrongful dismissal by sally

“An Indian couple who met at a UK law firm where they both worked are claiming wrongful dismissal because of discrimination by caste.”

Full story

The Independent, 18th August 2011


Tuition fees are making law conversion courses less attractive – The Guardian

Posted August 19th, 2011 in fees, legal education, news, universities by sally

“Wannabe lawyers face a conundrum – they need maximum breadth of experience, but minimum university debt.”

Full story

The Guardian, 18th August 2011


Assisted suicide prosecutions – CPS News Brief

Posted August 19th, 2011 in assisted suicide, Crown Prosecution Service, news, prosecutions by sally

“A report in the Guardian this evening (18 August) states ‘the case of Debbie Purdy in 2009 established that friends and family could help someone who is terminally ill travel to Dignitas without fear of prosecution on their return.'”

Full story

CPS News Brief, 18th August 2011


Assisted suicide could be ‘legalised’ in groundbreaking case – The Guardian

Posted August 19th, 2011 in assisted suicide, news by sally

“A 46-year-old-man who wants to die after a stroke that left him almost completely paralysed is bringing a groundbreaking legal action that could effectively lead to the legalisation of assisted suicide in the UK.”

Full story

The Guardian, 18th August 2011
