Why is BAILII appealing for funds?
“BAILII’s operating costs have been running at approximately £160,000 per annum, excluding replacement of computer hardware and other items which are not incurred annually. This figure will be reduced following an offer by The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies to reduce the quarterly overhead charge which it makes to BAILII for use of office space at the Institute and other services.
BAILII’s future is uncertain because of the lack of secure funding to meet these costs. The Society for Computers & Law is not currently in a position to provide funding to BAILII, but has stated that it remains supportive of BAILII and will review the situation if circumstances change. The Law Society Charity has provided funding to BAILII for 2011, but has indicated that it may be unable to continue to provide funding to BAILII thereafter; BAILII hopes that the Law Society may be able to continue to provide funding to BAILII in some other manner. The contract with Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service under which BAILII receives payments from Government sources continues until March 2012; BAILII hopes that it will be renewed but there is no guarantee that this will happen.
If BAILII is to survive, it is essential that BAILII should obtain new sources of funding before its funds run out. We need much more support, particularly if major sponsors are not able to continue funding. But in any event BAILII’s expenditure has been exceeding its income from sponsorship in recent years and this needs to be remedied as a matter of urgency.
This appeal is mainly directed towards sets of Chambers and solicitors’ firms. Legal associations, academic institutions and publishers are also invited to contribute. We are confident we can reach our target provided that all those who use BAILII and who want to go on using BAILII respond to this urgent call for help.”