‘No win, no fee’ under scrutiny – Ministry of Justice
“A research-based review of no win, no fee arrangements in England and Wales was announced today (25 June).”
Ministry of Justice, 25th June 2008
Source: www.justice.gov.uk
“A research-based review of no win, no fee arrangements in England and Wales was announced today (25 June).”
Ministry of Justice, 25th June 2008
Source: www.justice.gov.uk
“A House of Lords judgement on witness anonymity has created huge headaches for courts and lawmakers – but is there a way forward?”
BBC Law in Action, 24th June 2008
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
“A quarter of the adult population faces an ‘anti-paedophile’ test in an escalation of child protection policies, according to a report.”
Daily Telegraph, 26th June 2008
Source: www.telegraph.co.uk
“The loss of 25m child benefit records, including bank details and sensitive personal information, was brought about by a ‘woefully inadequate system’ and was ‘entirely avoidable’, according to two reports published yesterday.”
The Guardian, 26th June 2008
Source: www.guardian.co.uk
“Four people who admitted involvement in a ‘frightening’ incident in which two paramedics were attacked, have been given non-custodial sentences.”
BBC News, 25th June 2008
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
“An attempt by the murderer of a policeman to overturn his ‘whole life’ sentence has been challenged in the Court of Appeal.”
BBC News, 25th June 2008
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
“A campaign group opposed to a proposed eco-town in Warwickshire has begun a legal challenge against the government.”
BBC News, 25th June 2008
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
“A man who was beaten up by singer Amy Winehouse’s husband has been cleared of accepting a £200,000 bribe to drop his assault complaint.”
BBC News, 25th June 2008
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
“The Conservative Eurosceptic millionaire Stuart Wheeler today lost his high court bid to force the government to hold a referendum on the EU’s Lisbon treaty.”
The Guardian, 25th June 2008
Source: www.guardian.co.uk
“Parliamentary authorities have halted part of a major overhaul of MPs’ expenses because of an investigation by parliament’s sleaze watchdog into cabinet ministers Ed Balls and Yvette Cooper, it emerged today.”
The Guardian, 25th June 2008
Source: www.guardian.co.uk
“The government was criticised today for the ‘woefully inadequate’ handling of sensitive data at HM Revenue and Customs that led to the loss of CDs holding the personal records of 25 million people.”
The Guardian, 25th June 2008
Source: www.guardian.co.uk
“A cheating husband who had his special constable wife killed so he could start a new life with his mistress was today jailed for a minimum of years 20 years.”
The Times, 25th June 2008
Source: www.timesonline.co.uk
“A Paddington train crash survivor who claimed he was turned into a killer by post-traumatic stress disorder stands to receive thousands in compensation after a landmark Appeal Court ruling today.”
The Times, 25th June 2008
Source: www.timesonline.co.uk
“The Home Office today moved to clamp down on family visits to Britain from overseas, while making it easier for sports and media stars to gain entry.”
The Times, 25th June 2008
Source: www.timesonline.co.uk
“MPs will be banned from buying furniture, installing new kitchens or buying televisions on expenses but will be given a £4,200 a year subsistence allowance which can be claimed without receipts.”
The Times, 25th June 2008
Source: www.timesonline.co.uk
The Data Protection Act 1998 (Commencement No. 2) Order 2008
The Legal Services Act 2007 (Commencement No. 2 and Transitory Provisions) (Amendment) Order 2008
The Extradition Act 2003 (Amendment to Designations) Order 2008
The Taxation of Chargeable Gains (Gilt-edged Securities) Order 2008
The Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 (Transitory Provisions) Order 2008
The Air Force Act 1955 (Part 1) (Amendment) Regulations 2008
The Public Service Vehicles (Operators’ Licences) (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2008
The Goods Vehicles (Plating and Testing) (Amendment) Regulations 2008
The Public Service Vehicles Accessibility (Amendment) Regulations 2008
Source: www.opsi.gov.uk
“A consultation on whether to move elections to weekends has been launched as part of efforts to boost engagement in the democratic process.”
Ministry of Justice, 24th June 2008
Source: www.justice.gov.uk
“Maria Eagle has made a statement on progress with the government’s response to Baroness Corston’s report of a Review of Women with Particular Vulnerabilities in the Criminal Justice System.”
Ministry of Justice, 24th June 2008
Source: www.justice.gov.uk