Demand for stricter bail after 60 on murder charges go free – The Guardian

Posted February 25th, 2008 in bail, news by sally

“Scores of murder suspects have been freed on bail after being charged, according to new government figures which yesterday prompted Tory calls for the introduction of tougher bail laws.”

Full story

The Guardian, 25th February 2008


Relaxed pub laws ‘moved crime to early hours’ – Daily Telegraph

Posted February 25th, 2008 in alcohol abuse, licensed premises, licensing, news by sally

“An attempt to create a Continental-style cafe culture by letting pubs and clubs open for longer will be branded a failure in a major Government review, with people drinking more and committing crimes late into the night.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 25th February 2008


European Communities (Finance) Act 2008

Posted February 25th, 2008 in EC law, legislation by sally

European Communities (Finance) Act 2008 published

Full text of Act


£4m damages for ‘devoted’ mother – BBC News

Posted February 25th, 2008 in damages, hospitals, negligence, news by sally

“A mother who has devoted herself to her severely brain-damaged daughter for 29 years has been awarded £4.1m damages.”

Full story

BBC News, 24th February 2008


Banking (Special Provisions) Act 2008

Posted February 25th, 2008 in banking, legislation by sally

Banking (Special Provisions) Act 2008 published

Full text of Act


Drug dealers to have assets seized on arrest – Daily Telegraph

Posted February 25th, 2008 in confiscation, drug trafficking, news, proceeds of crime by sally

“Police will be able to seize high-value assets from suspected drug dealers as soon as they are arrested under plans to be unveiled this week by Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 24th February 2008


Magistrates hit back at call to jail fewer people – The Guardian

Posted February 25th, 2008 in magistrates, news, prisons by sally

“Magistrates reacted angrily yesterday to a call from the justice secretary, Jack Straw, to send fewer people to jail to ease pressure on prison places.”

Full story

The Guardian, 23rd February 2008


How two brutal killers fuelled the DNA debate – The Guardian

Posted February 25th, 2008 in DNA, news by sally

“Two of Britain’s most notorious murderers were jailed last week because their DNA samples were in the UK database. As calls were made for a mandatory register for all British citizens it sparked a fierce debate about civil liberties and security.”

Full story

The Guardian, 24th February 2008


Government wants personal details of every traveller – The Guardian

Posted February 25th, 2008 in data protection, news by sally

“Passengers travelling between EU countries or taking domestic flights would have to hand over a mass of personal information, including their mobile phone numbers and credit card details, as part of a new package of security measures being demanded by the British government. The data would be stored for 13 years and used to ‘profile’ suspects.”

Full story

The Guardian, 23rd February 2008


Judge: Britain has lost control of its borders – Daily Telegraph

Posted February 25th, 2008 in deportation, detention, immigration, news by sally

“A judge yesterday bemoaned Britain’s loss of border controls ‘for the first time since 1066’ and the deportation centres set up to cope with the result.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 23rd February 2008


NatWest Three jailed for three years – Financial Times

Posted February 25th, 2008 in extradition, fraud, news, sentencing by sally

Three former NatWest bankers were sentenced to three years’ imprisonment on Friday, after a federal judge approved a deal that they had negotiated with US prosecutors to reduce their expected prison terms drastically and accelerate their return to the UK.

Full story

Financial Times, 22nd February 2008


Government ‘making real progress’ on rape convictions – The Times

Posted February 25th, 2008 in news, rape by sally

“The Solicitor-General responds to claims by Women Against Rape that the Government hasn’t done enough to secure justice for rape victims.”

Full story

The Times, 21st February 2008


Women partners up as long-term prospects improve – Legal Week

Posted February 25th, 2008 in law firms, news, partnerships, women by sally

“The proportion of female partners at UK law firms rose by more than 5% between 2006 and 2007, according to new research, although women still represent less than a quarter of all partners in private practice.”

Full story

Legal Week, 22nd February 2008


Filesharing law ‘unworkable’ – The Guardian

Posted February 25th, 2008 in copyright, internet, news by sally

“Any move by the government to introduce legislation that forces the UK’s broadband providers to police the internet by clamping down on illegal sharing of copyrighted music and movies would be technologically unworkable and create a legal minefield, experts have warned.”

Full story

The Guardian, 22nd February 2008


Can you outlaw the oldest profession? – BBC News

Posted February 25th, 2008 in news, prostitution by sally

“Steve Wright’s conviction for the Suffolk murders comes in the midst of a major government review into how it deals with prostitution.”

Full story

BBC News, 24th February 2008


Overcrowded jails ‘at panic stations’ – The Guardian

Posted February 25th, 2008 in news, prisons by sally

“Britain’s overfilled jails are at ‘panic stations’ as they lurch from crisis to crisis, the chief inspector of prisons warns in an Observer interview today that will make uncomfortable reading for the government.”

Full story

The Guardian, 24th February 2008


Report calls for changes to rape coverage – The Independent

Posted February 25th, 2008 in media, news, rape by sally

“Stereotypical media representations of rape are damaging conviction rates when cases come to court, according to a Home Office funded study.”

Full story

The Independent, 24th February 2008


Social workers put themselves above the law – The Times

Posted February 25th, 2008 in child abuse, social services, special report by sally

“In far too many cases social workers are putting themselves above the law. Doctors increasingly report that a child who is admitted to hospital has injuries that may be ‘nonaccidental’. This is translated by local authorities as proving guilt.”

Full story

The Times, 23rd February 2008


Middle-class criminals cost millions in taxes – Daily Telegraph

Posted February 25th, 2008 in news, special report, tax evasion, VAT by sally

“How many of us pay for work in cash, knowing we’ll get a cheaper deal – and that the worker won’t be paying VAT? David Harrison reports on a white-collar crime that costs the Treasury millions.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 24th February 2008


UK prisons now “over-capacity” – BBC News

Posted February 22nd, 2008 in news, prisons by sally

“The prison population in England and Wales has exceeded its highest normal level for the first time.”

Full story

BBC News, 22nd February 2008
